Friday, September 2, 2022

Get Down Downtown Maitland!


This is about the most excited about a gig as I have ever been. I went to all of the First Friday get-togethers in Maitland last year and was dying to get our guys up on the stage. I love this town and the people in it. We spend every Sunday at the Farmer's Market and you can just see the potential for it getting better and better. Perhaps someday it will be too big and crowded, but right now, it just has the feeling that you can go there, have fun, and go home without a lot of bother. If you like to dance, or know somebody that does, please bring your dancing shoes and we will do our best to get you "Entrained". That is my word of the week, which is a fancy way of referring to how folks can't sit still when the music is playing. I know I have a pretty pronounced case of it, especially when Bob is banging hard on the drums! By the way, entrainment, generally is about how things tend to sync, and was discovered by some old scientist that put 2 grandfather clocks in a room and found that over time they started swinging at the same time. Supposedly, in the animal kingdom, only humans and the random parrot, have the ability to start moving in time to the beat without thinking...some have it more than others, I think!



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