Monday, August 5, 2024

This Saturday At Johnny's Other Side!

This upcoming Saturday night is our debut at Johnny's Other Side! We seem to always be on the north end of Orlando for our gigs, and this venue is the other side of town for us, and we are excited to get our music in front of some folks that probably never heard of us. With this being Florida and the middle of summer, heat and rain are givens. But the crowd and the food is awesome, and it ain't like we never get hot. Bob is coming back from a mountain vacation, so he will most likely spend the night wondering why anybody would live in Florida this time of year. 
Come on out if you can!

Johnny's Other Side
1619 E. Michigan St.
Orlando, FL 32806


1619 E Michigan St, Orlando, FL 32806

Monday, July 22, 2024

Another Saturday Night!

We're back at the Sanford Brewing Company this Saturday night, 7/27/24 7pm-10pm. We just love this place and its clientele. The crowd keeps us on our toes and we are coming prepared with some fun songs we haven't played for a while.
If you haven't been there, downtown Sanford is quite a place to hang out and people watch at night. The whole area is full of people strolling from bar to bar, with all kinds of music in the air. There seems to be something for everybody, within easy walking distance. A great night out!

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Sanford Brewing Company Tonight!

 We are excited to return to the SBC tonight from 7-10pm. bringing some new songs and some we haven't played for a while. SBC is known for good food and selection of beer, including some that they brew right there on the premises.

What you can't see from the front of the store, is us dodging giant stainless steel vats and hoses while bringing in our gear. Probably more space is used up by the beer brewing process than the food/beer service up front. We have favorite people there like Emma and Robin, but what SBC is known for is the endless parade of young people that come for a few rounds of beer and then move on to the next 


 Be sure to check out our youtube page for new videos!

Bangers & Mash youtube channel

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Wow, we are looking at four years of performing...and survived through the pandemic! So far, 2024 is the year of where bookings are finding us instead of us seeking them, and we really did reach the point where we have to turn some down. Our problem is our age, and we need some time to recharge after a gig. Last night was a great Friday evening performance at the Sanford Brewing Company. We filled the place with friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers. The feeling of rocking out on stage feels as good as it ever did, and we are blessed to be able to do this. Right now, I'm looking down the barrel of 70 years of age, and the other two guys blew past it a few years ago.

We've added new songs, brought back ones we hadn't played for a while, and mainly feel like the material is never stale. One major improvement was placing the PA speakers right behind our drummer, who finally after switching to an electric kit, gets the feeling a drummer wants: his head blasted off his body while beating the skins! 

Friday, September 2, 2022

Get Down Downtown Maitland!


This is about the most excited about a gig as I have ever been. I went to all of the First Friday get-togethers in Maitland last year and was dying to get our guys up on the stage. I love this town and the people in it. We spend every Sunday at the Farmer's Market and you can just see the potential for it getting better and better. Perhaps someday it will be too big and crowded, but right now, it just has the feeling that you can go there, have fun, and go home without a lot of bother. If you like to dance, or know somebody that does, please bring your dancing shoes and we will do our best to get you "Entrained". That is my word of the week, which is a fancy way of referring to how folks can't sit still when the music is playing. I know I have a pretty pronounced case of it, especially when Bob is banging hard on the drums! By the way, entrainment, generally is about how things tend to sync, and was discovered by some old scientist that put 2 grandfather clocks in a room and found that over time they started swinging at the same time. Supposedly, in the animal kingdom, only humans and the random parrot, have the ability to start moving in time to the beat without thinking...some have it more than others, I think!



Monday, May 2, 2022

Looking Forward To A Summer Of Bangin'!

 Things are starting to roll for us now. The photo above was from our first performance at the Seminole Harley-Davidson Store and it seemed like we were playing every weekend recently. Next up, a 6 week break while the guys take some well-deserved vacations and then come back to hitting hard in June and July.

What makes this band so different for me, is that we are mining the songs from our youth, the tunes that are often overlooked by our musical friends. Every time I think we are running out of well-known songs from the 60's, I hear one more...and sometimes that just happens while shopping in a local grocery store. The old folks get to reminisce and the young folks get to hear something new.




Tuesday, October 12, 2021

A Great Night At Bloodhound Brew And What Is Next!

The Bloodhound Brew was high on our list of places we wanted to visit. Good food, and an open outdoors setting, was perfect for us. We knew many of the other bands that had performed there and were eager to see how we would go over with their patrons. 

The first and most awesome part was that the heat of the day had dissipated and with a couple of fans we were fine with being out of the air conditioning. For me, the setup with smoothly with the new gear I had recently purchased until I realized that I had not tested my mic-stand clamp beforehand and then spent the rest of the night watching it slowly tipping towards disaster.

As ususal, Bob brought of contingent of family and friends that made us feel that we were at home instead of a long way from home facing a cold crowd. The night went well and people seemed to like the entertainment...although I was worried for a bit when I saw that the relative age of the folks in the crowd was more the age of my son than my friends.

Our new challenge is to learn a Doors tune or two for the manager of the club for our return visit. up is a performance at the Maitland Rotary Festival in November 14, at 11:30am. This is an event during the Art show that will feature a number of bands and we will be performing a set on the stage on Lake Lily in Maitland. We promise to have something special for you in that hour!